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The following article is a transcript n.d. from the Southold Library "Whitaker Collection"

Jocky Creek and the land on its southern border called Pine Neck have many happy recollections for old timers who grew up in the area around the 1880's. In severe winters there was good skating there, and one season the ice broke up on Washington's birthday, and a group of young skaters had difficulty getting ashore. Crabbing in summer was good sport. Pine Neck took it;s name from the handsome stand of pine trees that stood on the banks of Jockey Creek , at its head by the main road. It was the only grove of evergreens anywhere around, cool and shady in summer, warm in winter, with soft needles under foot, it was a delight to walk through, or linger in. Through the years wind and disease gradually lessened the trees until the Hurricane of September 21, 1938, took the last remainsof the beloved Pine grove. It belonged to Wels Phillips (then owner of the now White Blossom House) whose home was the first on the left as you turned on to Pine Neck from the Hog Neck (now main bayview road) road. Mr. Phillips cleared part of the hillside of underbrush and made a very attractive picnic ground around which was used for some years for Sunday School Picnics, and similar occasion.

In 1910 the enterprising Mr Phillips built a Bowling Alley in the grove which proved popular for some ten years. The Peconic bowling Club was formed and the jolly group spent many happy evenings together. The membership included, from the north road Floyd Vail, Rob Fitz, Archie Smith, Jakey Hipp: from Peconic Lane Dr. Joe Case, George Prince, Rufus Morell, Frank Overton: from the South Road John Corey, Frank Youngs, Addison Baker, and John Howell.

After the Bowling Alley had its day (1929) Mr Phillips divided the land and building into three parts and they formed the basis for three little summer bugalows facing the creek, the beginning of the cottage colony facing the creek on both shores today.

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